"The Calvinist Ulsterman may be more of a Catholic Irishman than is commonly realised, especially by himself."
Nowhere more have we seen outrageous overstatement, the inversion of lexicon and logic and the flying of bogus equivalencies than with young Jeffrey on BBC Spotlight. I've been through this before: Christians smear the gay community to whitewash their own bigotry - It takes religion to practice and enact by force of law polygamy. Where do we know people who have multiple wives?Utah.
But this latest line from Jeffrey was particularly egregious. Effective at spreading panic among the credulous, but dastardly conceited and egregious and dangerous. This was it: Comparing the request put to Ashers to bake a cake in support of marriage to asking a Falls Road baker to sign off in support of the Shankill Butchers. Intolerable. That is what we're working with and it has to be repudiated and countered effectively. With flat out fact, like as Fionuala Meredith said:
"Christians are certainly not an oppressed minority in this country, that has to be said very, very strongly, they run the place, they define so much of our lives here."
"We have all the evidence that we need to show that lesbian, gay, bi and trans people experience severe and prolonged forms of discrimination that has enormous impact on their mental health. I would love to see a study that shows me that Christians in the UK have negative mental health outcomes because of their experiences of being Christians and being discriminated against for their religious beliefs. So I can accept that people feel left behind but I do not accept that they are discriminated against."
"The purpose of this law is simple. It does not restrict the freedom of any American, so long as he respects the rights of others. It does not give special treatment to any citizen. It does say the only limit to a man’s hope for happiness, and for the future of his children, shall be his own ability. It does say that those who are equal before God shall now also be equal in the polling booths, in the classrooms, in the factories, and in hotels and restaurants and movie theatres and other places that provide service to the public."Just as the DUP and "devout" Protestants demonised, prejudiced and opposed Catholics, they're doing it with the LGBT minority.
They would never use the anti-Catholic language of the past. But anti-Catholicism was only one of many religiously inspired intolerance we're seen wiped away.
This line of "sincerely held religious beliefs" is another bogus slogan. Time after time "sincerely held religious beliefs" have been altered and edited to take Christianity up to speed with society. They keep resisting, we just have to remind the hard-liners they did this hissy fits last time.
This has to be put down. You're on the wrong side of history. Just like Paisley said when he sat with McGuinness, they'll be saying in a few years:
"If anybody had told me a few years ago that I would be doing this, I would have been unbelieving."